Terrorism, deception and India

By Ahsan Ali Zahid and Hasan Ehtisham
The Western media has frequently impinging the bizarre assumptions that Pakistan has secret ties with jihadis to launch attacks on India, but it has less often revealed that India is persistently involved in a proxy war against Pakistan. In the back drop of this scenario, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry claimed that India’s spy agency RAW has been involved in creating unrest in Pakistan. He emphasized that Pakistan will internationalize the concern if latest Safora incident’s investigation leads to involvement of RAW.
Recently, the assertion that Indian intelligence agency RAW is using proxy factions to terrorize Pakistan has been made by Pakistan’s Military. This is quite unusual that corps commanders’ conference directly blamed neighboring intelligence agency. The Dawn reported that some military officers also pointed out RAW’s involvement in Baluchistan, FATA and Karachi on the basis of confessional statements by criminals arrested in recent times. It is also a truth that there is an unfortunate negligence from Pakistani government to unveil the evidence against India internationally. However, corps commanders’ conference has let the cat out of the bag!
Danger of a proxy war
In reality India and Pakistan are heading towards a proxy war in Afghanistan at a time when NATO combat forces are ready to depart. Afghanistan’s new president Ashraf Ghani has already issued a warning of this future prospect. In this scenario, matured and unimpeded Indian influence in Afghanistan is a mounting threat for Pakistan. India wants to establish resilient anti-Pakistan sentiments in Afghanistan. Pakistan on many occasions has provided sufficient evidence to Indian authorities, about Indian covert support in a number of terrorist acts in Pakistan.
India was on the track to instigate proxies against Pakistan right after the installation of Modi government, but the game gets worst when Modi nominated Ajit Doval as national security advisor. A year ago, YouTube video of Mr. Ajit is a perfect manifestation of India’s ongoing surreptitious war against Pakistan. While classifying Pakistan as an Indian Enemy, Mr. Ajit advocated extensive range of clandestine actions against Pakistan i.e. isolating Pakistan internationally OR aiding TTP to create internal security of Pakistan chaotic. He is of the view that India should use Taliban as a prevalent vulnerability against Pakistan.
On the same note, Chuck Hagel has also indicated that India is using Afghan soil to finance the problems for Pakistan. Ironically entire U.S. policy is a provision to these Indian incursions in Pakistan, as Webster G. Tarpley revealed in an interview, “The entire thrust of U.S. policy in the region (Afghanistan and Pakistan) is to provoke a civil war in Pakistan, to breakup Pakistan and prevent Pakistan in becoming energy corridor between Iran and China. I think this claim is actually quite plausible.” U.S. knows it cannot contest China economically and industrially so they have to stun China through these subversive tactics.
John Pike, renowned expert on defense, space and intelligence policy, evidently reported that RAW is a major source of espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighboring countries. Pike’s reports substantiate the claims that Indian intelligence agency has been involved in precarious actions in Pakistan. Available reports assert that approximately 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan in between 1983 to 1993. The report is a demonstration that how KGB exploited RAW to organize terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War and after the end of Cold War, Raw did not finish its role against Pakistan via Afghanistan.
Indian intelligence agency RAW has never missed a chance in planning and plotting its terrorists to malign and isolate Pakistan internationally whether it is the sports realm. The agency was furtively involved in March 3 attack at the Liberty Chowk in Lahore, targeting the Sri Lankan cricket team. Four anti-tank disposable rockets were recovered from the scene, which are only in the use of the Indian Army.
India’s double-speak
India’s double-speak on terrorism is not tolerable as on one side it is furious on the release of Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi but on the other side it is a complete Indian failure to investigate false flag operations within India. Pakistan’s government tried its hardest to keep Lakhvi behind the bars but you simply cannot keep someone in the jail because India wants to; law demands corroboration to verdict him guilty. Factually Indian fiasco in providing the enough evidence is the reason he got bail but lamely India is playing the blame game that Islamabad did not produce the substantial proves. Well, Pakistan does not have any magical wand to produce evidences!
On several occasions Pakistan demanded to let its envoy investigate Ajmal Kasab but obviously there was something dubious that is why India did not allow. On July 19, 2013 the ex-investigating officer of CBI Satish Verma unveiled the secret that Indian government killed hundreds in Mumbai and Parliament attacks just to strengthen the counter-terror legislation. This brings us to another whistle blown on January 20, 2013 by the Indian Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde that political party in power BJP and RSS are running training camps to promote Hindu terrorism. These extremist groups are also responsible for Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon blasts.
Story does not end here, Webster G. Tarpley in an interview with Alex Jones stated, “The Hindus (RSS), the RSS is Hindu racist extremist organization, now we have religious extremist party in India and U.S. is backing them… The Research and Analysis Wing of Indian intelligence, they are up in Afghanistan, recruiting crazies from there to bring them down and help them to engage in terrorism inside Pakistan. So the Indians have this real dirty aspect.”
Media plays an important role in creating influence and we all know dramatic Indian media is famous for creating melodramas. Whether it is earth quake in Nepal or the matter of Indian RAW sponsored terrorist attacks whenever or wherever in India. Yellow journalists in Indian media emphatically spread hatred among the civil society and if anyone talks rationally; he or she is accused of being pro-Pakistani or ISI agent. For instance, earlier this year India blew off Pakistani fishing boat which poses no harm to anyone and India’s DIG Coast Guard BK Loshali told the truth but he got possibility of court-martial. Mr. Arnab Goswami, in his program The News hour Debate crossed every limit of journalism’s ethics and shouted at a lady representative of Congress party, “How dare you say that Pakistan is not involved in this? You have no right to question when the matter is about Pakistan”.
Peace is not a one-way ticket
Peace is not a one way ticket, Pakistan wants talks with India but Indian efforts are disappointing and insufficient. India should make efforts to fight against the terrorism the way global community is and the best way to start it is from the home ground. There is a realization among the analysts in the world that Indian involvement in terrorism is a security threat to the region and the world.
Although Pakistan has been making efforts to better the ties by bilateral negotiations but it is the truth that Indian consulates in Afghanistan have been used to destabilize Pakistan. Today, Indian policy makers are agitated that Pakistan will become stronger if it effectively controls menace of Taliban. Therefore, India desires to part Pakistan military power by a hostile posture on the Line of Control.
Ahsan Ali Zahid is a M. Phil student at School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Hasan Ehtisham is a M. Phil student at Department of Strategic Studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.