On Thursday, The Young Turks Ben Mankiewicz and John Iadarola acknowledge the 70th anniversary of America’s devastating nuclear attack on Hiroshima during WWII. It’s a tough part of history to remember, “We killed those people,” Mankiewicz explains. He adds that this was not to ‘bash America,’ but highlighted the importance to remember what happened. Some of the facts of the bombing include the deaths of 70,000 people in Hiroshima and 84,000 after the firebombing in Tokyo.
Mankiewicz explains the argument, at the time, as, “The Japanese attacked us and they sort of had it coming and this was the way to end the war and save lives.” But looking at the effects of the bombing speaks volumes on the context of the Iran nuclear deal talks going on right now. “There are people still in government today, I think, that have not learned the lesson that, that is a level, a magnitude of horror that we should never return to,” Iadarola says.
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