By Dr. Abdul Ruff
America has been punishing Pakistan in all possible ways, pushing it to too far and possibly in order to appease cash rich New Delhi. Washington wants India to shed both Russia and China as arms suppliers and in their place accept US conditions for the sale of terror goods and related military equipment and supporting Indian case for Kashmir.
Indian PM Modi’s repeated trip to Washington seem to have played disastrous role in creating a sort of wedge between the ‘traditional allies” USA and Pakistan – the joint strategists and combined script writers to invade Afghanistan.
Americans have to be ever grateful to Pakistan for staunchly backing the NATO attack on an Islamizing Afghanistan on the mere pretext of searching for one Osama bin Laden of Saudi Arabia who was supposedly involved in the Sept-11 hoax in USA- the super power with highest possible remote technology, latest radar mechanism and surveillance capacity which would not have allowed a stranger coming to the airport runways and lifting his choicest airplanes and then coolly hitting his targets in the USA.
Washington created a fairy tale with Osama as the magic hero and made the entire world believe the Osama story as real incident. In order to give credit to the Bush fantasy, USA very tactfully used Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to let the world take the fairy tale as reality and terrorism became the favorite theme of western corporate media lords.
In supporting US led NATO war on Afghanistan, Pakistan lost people, resources, and even sovereignty while the USA successfully made Islamabad not only a safe sanctuary of NATO state terror gangs, targeting Muslims in and around but also a weak entity, a semi-slave nation to beg aid from USA for the services and sacrifices made to back the imperialist US bosses.
After having completed the destabilization of both Afghanistan and Pakistan, American government now wants to punish Pakistan to appease India for money. Pakistan has now to stand not only the loses but also insults form US lords.
Indo-Israeli lords pay huge money to select media lords for not publishing anything objectionable to their governments and also not in praise of them. These media lords reject anything that is not hailing India and Israel not as neo-colonialist masters but, alas, as emerging super powers. That is the power of bribe money.
America continues to pump in money and terror goods to Israel for nothing in return expect bad name, but Americans question the logic in giving aid to Pakistan which saved the military and prestige of America. Now US senate questions the ’reliability’ of Pakistani terror help and coerces the government in Islamabad to keep killing Muslims and help reduce the global Muslim populations as part of goal of anti-Islamic nations.
Interestingly, the US senate, where the paid lobbyists for Israel and India, are very strong, asks the president of country not to recommend even for the routine aid for Pakistan. Ignoring concerns of the White House, the US Senate has moved to block US $300 million military aid to Pakistan unless the Defence Secretary certifies that Islamabad is taking “demonstrable steps” against the Haqqani Network and others. US leaders now know the Sept-11 was a hoax and the NATO war on Afghanistan was a total farce but costly exercise. US Senate, like India, now considers Pakistan as a terrorist state in order to escape punishments for the crimes committed in Pakistan by the Pentagon-CUA duo led NATO forces on behalf of US Congress and Senate.
The Senate action forms part of the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA)-2017 passed by the Senate 85-13 votes on June 14. Notably Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is yet to give the necessary certification to Pakistan for a similar legislation passed by the Congress last year under NDAA-2016.
As a result the Pentagon has not been able to release US $ 300 million of Coalition Support Fund (CSF) to Pakistan for the fiscal year 2015-2016 ending September 30 this year. However, the Senate version of the NDAA differs with that of the House, which calls for blocking US $ 450 million of the US $ 900 million US aid to Pakistan in coalition support fund.
The Senate version has reduced both the figures respectively to US $ 300 million and US $ 800 million. Ahead of the Senate voting on NDAA-2017, the White House had opposed any such move. “We share concerns regarding the threat posed to our forces and interests in Afghanistan by the Haqqani Network, and we continue to engage with Pakistan at the highest levels regarding the need for concerted action specifically against the group,” the White House said in a statement on June 8.
The restriction imposed by the Senate would unnecessarily complicate progress in US-Pakistan bilateral relationship on this issue and would limit the Secretary of Defense’s ability to act in the US national security interest, the White House said. The White House had made similar objection to the House version of the National Defence Authorization Act.
America now may not require Pakistan and it is using India to contain China and Russia as part of Obama’s Asia Pivot strategy. An innocent looking Obama plays very safe as elections are due shortly for the next president and votes of blacks, minorities, including Indians are important for Democratic Party.
Capitalist-imperialist regime in Washington tries to isolate Pakistan and promote India in its place because India gives money to USA as service charges for supporting Indian case on Jammu Kashmir while Pakistan tales money from USA as service charges.
Capitalists run politics only for profits!