Syria denies HRW report on using chemical weapons

Syria’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday denied a recent report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) about the Syrian military use of chemical weapons during the battles in Aleppo city, according to state news agency SANA.
The Syrian government completely denied the “allegations” made in a report by the HRW, which claimed that the Syrian government used chemical weapons at least eight times during the siege of rebel-held areas east of Aleppo city in northern Syria.
According to HRW statement, the accusation was based on “phone and in-person interviews with witnesses and analysis of video footage, photographs, and posts on social media.”
It said Syrian government helicopters dropped chlorine gas on residential areas in Aleppo at least eight times in November and December of 2016.
In its statement, the ministry said the report was based on sources from “the terrorists media sources.” It added that “this report is unprofessional, unscientific and distorted facts.”
It continued that the report cannot “stand a chance” before any scientific study or legal evidences.
The ministry said the HRW report came to serve foreign agendas and to affect the upcoming intra-Syrian talks in Geneva.
Meanwhile, the ministry stressed the government’s commitment to its pledges to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).