Are the globalists preparing a plot against Trump?

Wright Millen in his book “The Power Elite” (1956), indicates that the key to understanding American unrest is to be found in the over-organisation of its society. Thus, establishment would be “the elite group formed by the union of the US political, military, economic, academic and mass media sub-elites”.
These lobbies would be interconnected through “an uneasy alliance based on their community of interests and driven by military metaphysics”, a concept that is based on a military definition of reality and that would have transformed the economy into a permanent economic war.
Trump’s Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence
In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump stated “I am the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent World War III”. Likewise, Donald Trump denounced the “excessive amount of armaments currently circulating in the world”, which would mean the assumption of the US Doctrine of Isolationism in the military sphere and the enthronement of the G-3 (USA, Russia and China) as “primus inter pares” in world governance, leaving the EU, Japan, India and Brazil as stone guests in the new geopolitical scenario.
This would be a missile in the waterline of the geopolitical interests of the so-called “Club of Islands” with assets close to €10 trillion and whose visible head, according to Russian spy Daniel Estulin, would be the financier and expert designer of “colour revolutions”, George Soros, and who has outlined the implementation of the New World Order (NWO) that would imply the recovery of the role of the US as world gendarme following the Brzezinski Doctrine.
Brzezinski, in his book “Between Two Ages: The Role of the United States in the Technotronic Age”(1.971) explains that “the era of rebalancing world power has arrived, power that must pass into the hands of a new global political order based on a trilateral economic link between Japan, Europe and the United States”, a doctrine that would involve the subjugation of Russia and China and would include the possibility of a pre-emptive nuclear strike by the US using Trident II missiles against vital Russian and Chinese targets in the event of the declaration of World War III.
Former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021) claimed on his networks that “we have never been so close to World War III” and that there must be a “total commitment to dismantle the globalist neoconservative power group” responsible for dragging the world into “endless wars”.
On the geopolitical level, Trump’s victory in 2024 would represent the decline of the Atlanticist strategy of Biden and Soros, who were determined to oust Putin from power, the signing of a peace agreement in Ukraine and the return to the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence with Russia, which would entail the enthronement of the G-3 (US, Russia and China) as “primus inter pares” in world governance.
Likewise, Trump’s doctrine of “peaceful coexistence” with Russia would clash head-on with the obsessive dream of Soros and the Open Society Foundation (OSF) to achieve the subjugation of Russia, as Russia would be for George Soros the “white whale he has been trying to hunt for decades”.
Likewise, Trumpian pacifism would be a missile in the waterline of the military-industrial complex, which has outlined for the next five years the recovery of the US role as a global gendarme through the fifth phase of the deployment of the anti-missile shield in Europe (Euro DAM) and an extraordinary increase in US military interventions abroad (read New War in the Middle East).
Soros and the anti-Trump plot
Today, the CIA has been transmuted into the so-called Department of Homeland Security and 17 new heads have been born from the CIA-Hydra in the form of intelligence agencies that make up the US Intelligence Community (the Fourth Branch of Government according to Tom Engelhardt), pathogenic agents of a totalitarian nature that have become a parallel state, a real shadow power phagocytised by George Soros’ “Club of Islands” and which has conspired against a Trump supporter of the Primus InterPares or G3 Geopolitics.
Thus, the geopolitical isolationism advocated by Trump would be a missile in the waterline of the geopolitical interests of the so-called “Club of Islands” with assets close to €10 trillion and whose visible head, according to Russian spy Daniel Estulin, would be the financier and expert designer of “colour revolutions”, George Soros, who will proceed to develop a plot against Trump.
The paternity of this plot would be attributable to the so-called Democracy Alliance (DA), a mega-organisation founded by George Soros in 2005. 005 and would consist of a first phase by means of a judicial offensive against Trump as he is involved in 4 judicial processes that would seek his political disqualification to make way for the current Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis as Republican candidate for the Presidential elections of 2024 and that would have the blessings of the globalists and in the event of not achieving his objective, Soros would move on to the second phase of the plot consisting of the Trump assassination, after which the US would return to the path of pseudo-democracies under the tutelage of the real Shadow Power (Fourth Branch of Government).