Immersed as we are in the new teleonomic scene, we will witness the irruption in the geopolitical scenario of Latin America of a new black wave involucionista that will consist in the implementation of “soft hand blows” with the unequivocal objective to replace regimes insensible to the Dictated by Washington (Nicaragua, Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia) by autocratic military regimes, through the tactic of the Big Stick or “Gran Garrote” included in the so-called Monroe Doctrine, “America for the Americans.”
Nicaragua in focus of the Pentagon?
Petrocaribe was created in 2005 on the initiative of Venezuela with the objective of supplying fuels to the member countries under favorable terms of payment, such as soft credits and low interest rates. It would consist of 18 countries (including Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Belize and a dozen Caribbean islands) and according to the Venezuelan authorities, the country exports 100,000 barrels a day to the countries of the bloc that generate a bill of 4,000 million dollars, of which a part is paid in cash “And the rest would be subsidized. The new US strategy would be to strengthen commercial and military ties with the Petrocaribe countries in the face of the danger of mimetic contagion of Chavist revolutionary ideals by relying exclusively on Venezuelan Petrocaribe for its energy supply, starting with Dominican President Danilo Medina.
China would have taken up the challenge of constructing a new canal in Nicaragua (Grand Canal Interoceanic) similar to the channel of the isthmus of Kra that has projected between Thailand and Burma to circumvent the Strait of Malacca, turned “de facto” into a sea route saturated and affected By attacks of pirates and inaugurated in 2010 the gas pipeline that unites China with Turkmenistan and that surrounds Russia to avoid its total energy dependency while diversifying its purchases, so the US will proceed to destabilize the government of Daniel Ortega within its strategy Geopolitics of drying out Chinese energy sources. The installation last April of a Russian satellite station in Managua (Nejapa lagoon) to “control drug trafficking and study natural phenomena” would have provoked the Pentagon’s nervousness that accuses Russia of “using Nicaragua to create a Sphere of military espionage “through the Global Satellite Navigation System (Glonass), the equivalent of US GPS.
Consequently, the Trump Administration will resort to the Kentian doctrine, set forth by Sherman Kent in his book “Strategic Intelligence for North American World Politics” (1949). The aims of these types of war were described by this author as follows: “In these unconventional wars it is a question of doing two things: weakening the will and resilience of the enemy and strengthening one’s will and ability to overcome” And later he adds that the instruments of economic warfare “consist of the carrot and the stick”: “the blockade, the freezing of funds, the boycott, the embargo and the blacklist on the one hand; Subsidies, borrowing, bilateral treaties, barter and trade agreements on the other. ” Thus, we could soon attend the approval by Congress and the US Senate of the bill known as the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act of 2017, which, following the Kentian strategy, seeks to freeze international loans from satellite institutions USA (World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank), Nicaragua with the stated goal of causing its financial starvation and subsequent economic suffocation.
Is Venezuela delenda est?
In Venezuela, Maduro’s decision to confiscate the General Motors plant will be seen by the Trump Administration as an attack on the interests of US multinationals, a scenario that will be tapped by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former President and Advisor Delegate of Exxon Mobil when it was nationalized in 2007 by Hugo Chávez, to try a hand hit against Maduro. Exxon Mobil would be part of the Fourth Branch of the US Government, true Power in the shadow that makes the decisions in foreign policy and at the behest of Tillerson, the Chavez revolution was already declared a “dangerous enemy of the US”. In addition, the China-Venezuelan agreement under which state-owned petrochemical company Sinopec will invest 14 billion dollars to achieve daily oil production of 200,000 barrels a day in the Orinoco Oil Belt (considered the most abundant oil field Of the world), would be a missile in the line of floating of the global geopolitics of the United States (whose unequivocal objective would be to dry the energetic sources of China).
Consequently, following a systematic and intense destabilizing campaign based on the selective shortage of basic necessities, the amplification in the media of increasing citizen insecurity, the taking of the streets by the opposition and the subsequent request to the Army to stand In “Salvador de la Patria,” a plan designed by the CIA and with Colombia’s invaluable logistical aid, turned into the continental carrier of the United States), will try to give a “blow of hand” in late July to settle the Chavez legacy In Venezuela.