AirAsia airline suspends flights on route where Malaysian jet crashed

Indonesian government banned temporarily AirAsia Airline from making flights on the route where a Malaysian jet crashed on December 28, the domestic civil aviation authority said in a specific resolution made public on Saturday.
“Before the end to the investigation the access to Surabaya-Singapore route is suspended for AirAsia Airline,” the document said. Indonesian aviation authorities have taken this step, because the airline had violated the flight schedule on this air route. AirAsia had a flight permit on Surabaya-Singapore route only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. But the jet crashed on Sunday. The air company did not make any requests for changing the flight schedule, Indonesian civil aviation authority noted. Meanwhile, AirAsia President Sunu Widyatmoko noted that if the air company had lacked specific permits, particularly for international flights, they would surely not be made.
According to latest reports, rescuers working in the jet crash area have found bodies of 30 passengers and crewmembers from the crashed Malaysian AirAsia airliner. Meanwhile, nasty weather is hampering the search, divers fail to conduct a full-fledged operation due to high waves. Flights recorders from the jet are not found yet, so, theories behind the air crash are not put forward without their deciphering.
On December 28, 2014, the AirAsia jet disappeared from radar screens about 40 minutes after departure from Indonesia to Singapore, flying in the area of Kalimantan (Borneo) Island. The A320-200 jet was carrying 155 passengers and seven crewmembers.