The Young Turks on what happened to Doctors Without Borders in Kunduz: The rules are gone!

Doctors Without Borders released an internal report detailing what happened in the Kunduz hospital bombing. The Young Turks Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore, and Mark Thompson (The Edge with Mark Thompson) talk about the report which revealed the gruesome deaths of staff and patients. The unbelievable truth is, even after 18 different distress calls of ‘please stop bombing us, this is a hospital’ the bombing continued for over an hour.
Uygur reveals that the United States has a ‘double tap’ policy, “How a double tap works is, you bomb something…and when first responders come you hit them again.” He adds, “You do the double tap because you think ‘oh the people who will rush in to help the bad guy that we just hit will be friends of the bad guy’ and hence will be guilty by association.” Dore comments, “We’re not the good guys over there!”
“In the situation, it’s almost like what happened in Vietnam,” Uygur explains, “The more you strip away the humanity and the rules, at some point somebody forgets that there are rules. And I think that’s what happened here.”
Watch the full commentary below:
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