IEOM society to host its first international conference in South America

By LACCEI Secretariat
On October 25-26, 2017, the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society (IEOM), in cooperation with the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) will organize its International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Bogota – Colombia. This Conference will be hosted by the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia).and held in Marriott Bogota Hotel.
It will be the first IEOM South American International Conference that is focused on Supply Chain, Logistics, Industrial Engineering, Production Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Operations Management and E-Commerce. It is designed to provide a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas on global challenges and opportunities for supply chain, logistics and effective production on engineering and management. The main objective of this conference will be to explore ways on how to reduce research gap in the Americas.
The Conference Chairs are: Professor Sandra Milena Chacon Sanchez, Director of the Programs of Business Administration and Logistics – Production Administration of Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia; and Associate Professor Ahad Ali, Ph. D., Director – Smart Manufacturing and Lean Systems Research Group of Lawrence Technological University (Michigan – USA).
One of the keynote speakers will be Dr. Lope H. Barrero, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Prof. Barrero is a senior researcher and consultant at the Center for Ergonomic studies in the same university. He is an industrial engineer and graduated from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota; obtained a Master’s Degree in Environmental Health with emphasis in risk and epidemiology from Harvard University (Boston, USA); and a Doctor in Environmental Health with emphasis in Ergonomics and Safety also from Harvard University. Dr. Barrero has an extensive research experience working in collaboration with researchers locally and in several countries globally, covering areas such as pathophysiological mechanisms behind musculoskeletal disorders, occupational epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders, road injury prevention, and the burdens of occupational disease. He has published and co-authored more than 30 articles in high-impact scientific journals. Dr. Barrero has been a consultant to several important companies in the Colombian production sector including: mining, agricultural and food industry. He is currently leading an initiative to provide consultant services in process and product design to small and medium-size companies in the sector of lumber and furniture design in collaboration with the local government of the city of Bogotá.
Professor Don Reimer, Past Entrepreneurship Program Director and Adjunct Faculty, Lawrence Tech, Michigan and President of Small Business Strategy Group, Detroit, Michigan, USA and Mr. Hulas King, Director, Diversity, Professional Affiliations & Global Community Relations, Siemens PLM Software, St. Luis, Missouri, USA will deliver keynote speeches.
IEOM 2017 Bogota conference will also have Global Engineering Education Speakers, Industry Solutions speaker, Panel Sessions, Women in Industry and Academia speakers, student paper competitions, poster competitions, and parallel technical sessions.
For more information on the IEOM Society Conference in Bogota, please visit its official website: 017/ .