Cenk Uygur declares ISIS is in trouble: Ramadi is taken back by Iraqi forces from ISIS control

Iraqi forces have taken back Ramadi from ISIS. Cenk Uygur celebrates the huge victory for the United States and Iraqi army in reclaiming the mainly Sunni city of Ramadi. Some reports reveal that about 400 ISIS militants had control over the city.
Validating the credibility of this report, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi sent a rare audio message to his troops stating, “Be confident that God will grant victory to those who worship him, and hear the good news that our state is doing well.”
“You don’t put out that statement when you’re winning. You put that statement out when you’re losing,” Uygur adds, revealing a weak point of ISIS.
“If he’s got to rally the troops. That means the troops need rallying. That means they’re in some trouble. That is good news.”
Watch the full commentary below:
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