A wary eye to help Islamic State

By Usman Ali Khan
The rise of Islamic state (IS previously ISIL/ ISIS) and the threats associated with it now loom so large that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry during his remarks on Syria has characterized the organization as “the gravest extremist threat faced by our generation and the embodiment of evil in our time.”
To tackle this threat, U.S. President Barack Obama told the press on November 22, 2015 at the ASEAN summit in Malaysia that a broad global coalition of 65 nations to fight ISIS has emerged.
Keeping rhetoric and bombings by Western powers aside, the willingness of western allies to contribute troops on the ground, the alignment of opposing objectives being pursued by different countries, the ability and willingness of the international community to curb the propagation of toxic religious creeds, and finally, choking off funds to terrorist organizations should serve the purpose. Nonetheless, the realities on the ground continue getting complicated where according to a report; the research funded by the European Union named 51 commercial entities from 20 countries that are involved in the supply chain of components used by IS to create improvised explosive devices (IEDS).
Conflict Armament Research (CAR) stated in its report that seven Indian companies along with others have emerged and have been incorporating components used by the IS to fabricate improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Interestingly, India is the second largest supplier country.
The report was published after 20 months of extensive research done by CAR, which studies weapons-specific issues in conflict areas. European Union-mandated study has found that over 50 companies from 20 countries have sold or received hundreds of components, such as detonators, cables and wires, used by IS terrorists to build improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
The prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, has drawn attention to the necessity of tackling the financial channels of terrorism at all major forums – from addressing the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in September to the G20 Summit in Turkey and the ASEAN summit in Malaysia in November, where he argued against the use of terrorism as an instrument of state policy.
More importantly the report noted: “Seven Indian companies manufactured most of the detonators, detonating cord, and safety fuses documented by CAR’s field investigation teams. Under Indian law, transfer of this material requires a licence.”
With all companies figured in the CAR list. Seven Indian-based companies reportedly contributing to the supply chain of IS IEDs:
- Gulf Oil Corporation: Detonating cord
- Solar Industries: Detonating cord
- Premier Explosives: Detonating cord
- Rajasthan Explosives and Chemicals: Detonating cord
- Chamundi Explosives: Safety fuse
- Economic Explosives: Detonators
- IDEAL Industrial Explosives: Detonators
Furthermore, the report investigated that the terror group mostly uses Nokia 105 mobile phone for remote detonation. The IS terrorists used Nokia solutions and Networks in the bomb supply chain and India is one of the country whose products were used. CAR stated that IS forces in Iraq used a Nokia mobile telephone in the manufacture of a “specific type of remote-controlled IED”.
If one remembers, the Lecture given by Ajit Kumar Doval in Sastra University, who is a former Indian intelligence officer and current National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Narendra Modi since 2014. He clearly admitted Indian continued reliance on terrorism as state policy. Also he explained that in order to attain strategic and political objectives which can be long term, sustainable and affordable is to support non-state actors with providing funds double the amount they have. Mr. Ajit advocated extensive range of clandestine actions against Pakistan i.e. isolating Pakistan internationally OR aiding TTP to create internal security of Pakistan chaotic. He is of the view that India should use Taliban as a prevalent vulnerability against Pakistan.
This shows that India has slipped off peace plan with Pakistan several times and crafted an excuse while accusing Pakistan for breeding and sponsoring terrorists yet withal proves itself to be the biggest culprit of terrorism in Pakistan and South Asia. The Indian involvement in terror activities is no more a secret now and it is clear that not only India is interfering in Pakistan’s internal matters but supporting and funding terrorism inside Pakistan to create unrest.
This judgment sits deep within the Indo-Afghan relations where Pakistan believes that terrorists and jihadist network or their ideology has been blooming with Indian continuous support. Pakistan has long been presenting evidence of Indian “terrorism” through diplomatic and global media circles.
With this ripe evidential scenario, why there are no pointing fingers towards India? Isn’t it an ostrich hideout in sand despite of evident dangers at front with India providing support to IS? Pakistan is all for peace and peace, however, peace is not a one way ticket.