By Peter Tase
On June 16th, 2017, Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University initiated a successful cooperation agreement with the International University Travnik (IUT) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This bilateral academic partnership is mainly focused on economic sciences while establishing mutual research projects in other areas of social sciences among faculty members and students of IUT and Vilnius University.
In a joint format with Kaunas Faculty, IUT has announced the establishment of two Masters’ Programs in the fields of Marketing and Trade Management that will begin in the academic year of 2017-2018; English will be the main language of this program, under the axiom “Double Diploma – Double Success”.
On the occasion of his visit to Kaunas Faculty in June 2017, IUT representative Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Hadžialić, a professor and co-chair of the Committee on the Double Degree study program; were solved many logistical and curriculum details together with the leadership of Kaunas Faculty. It must be emphasized that Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University, is ranked as the 401st best institution among the world’s over 17,000 universities.
On June 16th, upon the invitation of Dean of Kaunas Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Driaunys, Prof. Hadžialić, attended a graduation ceremony of all graduates of master studies, in Kaunas Faculty. On that occasion, Prof. Hadžialić delivered a speech on behalf of the IUT Faculty and in representation of IUT Chancellor, Academician, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić and Dean of the IUT Faculty of Economics, Prof. Dr. Enes Huseinagić.
Prof. Hadžialić stated that: “The diplomas you are receiving today are your strength, but also a new strength of Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University and at the very end, I wish to all graduates, the best of luck and success in your future work, both in my personal name and in the name of Academician, Chancellor of the International University Travnik, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić and Dean of the IUT Faculty of Economics, Prof. Enes Huseinagić, as well as on behalf of all professors, associates and employees of the International University Travnik, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The full statement of Prof. Hadžialić can be viewed in English language on this official link kindly provided by Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University.
At the same time, Professor Hadžialic, who is also the Head of IUT International Relations Office, held several important meetings with colleagues from Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University and their distinguished guests. Prof. Hadžialić met with the Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Driaunysom and Prof. Dr. Jadvyga Kruminiene, Associate Dean for International Relations; their agenda of discussions was focused on the extension of Erasmus+ mobility program and strengthen the student exchange programs among both universities.
In the 2016-2017 academic year, there have been two students of IUT studying at Kaunas Faculty: Lejla Mušik and Lamija Rizvic, their research and contributions have extended the cultural – academic cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Lithuania that has become the highlight of this dynamic partnership and certainly established a solid foundation for other bright students to study in Travnik and Vilnius.
After his keynote speech, Prof. Hadžialić, presented a Certificate of Gratitude, on behalf of Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jusufranić, to the Dean of the Faculty of Kaunas to recognize his participation as an Honorary Member of the Program Committee at the XV International Conference held on May 19-20, 2017, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Moreover, Professor Hadžialic had a meeting with the Head of the Arts Management, Masters Degree, Kaunas Faculty, Prof. Dr. Virginija Jurėnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aiste Urboniene, and with Prof. Dr. Elamurugan Veerappan Subbu from KG of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Coimbatore, India, who was conducting a study visit to the Kaunas Faculty. The topics of this meeting were focused on establishing programs in the fields of Media and Communications between IUT and Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University and establish a road map of cooperation with universities in India.
On his working visit to Lithuania, one of the highest priorities of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Hadžialic was to meet with Prof. Dr. Vilma Tamuliene and her fellow Lithuanian colleagues that are part of the Double-Degree Masters’ program that is shaping the cooperation path between IUT and Vilnius University.