Israel will release the third group of Palestinian prisoners

The Israeli government will free a new group of 26 Palestinian prisoners whose amnesty was approved within the framework of agreement on restoring the peace talks in the region. The first groups of 26 Palestinians was freed in August and more followed in October as a result of government approved amnesty.
The Israeli side pledged to free 104 Palestinians serving the longest time and links the gradual release of prisoners to the progress of peace talks. The national management of prisons of Israel is expected to release the list of prisoners who fall under amnesty provisions. Every Israeli citizen will then have 48 hours to contest the decision of the government.
The prisoners being released had received long-term sentences, ranging from 19 to 28 years behind bars for their activities involving armed attacks on Jewish citizens, and are primarily the attacks committed before the Oslo Agreement was signed in 1993. Palestinians estimate there are close to five thousand Palestinians in Israeli prisons.