Colombia – Venezuela encirclement and unilateral border closure

By Jhon Freddy Muñoz Rubio
Almost a year after Venezuelan president shut borders with Colombia, humanitarian crisis has become completely untenable. Notwithstanding real feedback from human rights associations and harmed strategic relations with Colombia, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said he will keep the nations’ borders shut inconclusively, guaranteeing that “terrorism” has lessened altogether.
“I’ve been deliberately assessing an arrangement of new measures to strengthen everything in the eight regions where the borders are shut and like that it will stay until we can assemble a tranquil fringe with the Government of Colombia as we are attempting to do,” Maduro said.
The liberal Venezuelan president started shutting fringe intersections in mid August of 2015 after an asserted assault on Venezuelan fighters.
Maduro reported in September that the outskirt could stay shut for an additional time, however flip-floundered while two-sided commissions look to go to the circumstance in the fringe district.
In several regions a high increase in terrorism, hijacking, dissection and homicide and food shortage have taken place, and the Venezuelan people are demanding the president opens the borders to get food and basic cleaning supplies.
it is not a secret that Venezuela is going through a very complicated route against an invisible enemy to re-create smokescreens against local issues and Colombia is the perfect alternative for it. Venezuela has been dedicated to a encirclement or blockade to Colombia to hide its failed constitutional institution, but this didn’t left anything good for the people who have to struggle to survive scarcity of resources and the complete devaluation of the Bolivar. Experts say that Venezuela will not last another year before collapsing completely.