Twitter terrorist twit sentenced in Spain

Prosecutors and defense counsel in Spain have agreed on a sentence for a young woman who had called for the assassination of Spanish premier Mariano Rajoy. Prosecutor Pedro Martínez Torrijos wrote in his brief to the National Court that 21-year-old Alba González Camacho had glorified terrorism by posting on her Twitter account “ideological messages of a greatly radical and violent nature.” González Camacho, the accused, told the court on February 3 that she accepts the sentence. The leading justice of the court, Javier Martínez-Lázaro, announced the agreement.
González Camacho was given a one year prison sentence, along with seven years probation. However, under the terms of the agreement, she will not have to serve time in incarceration unless she repeats her offense. Under the account name @albacorazonegro (Alba Blackheart), González Camacho has more than 5,000 followers on Twitter. She managed to write 5,774 messages over Christmas 2012. Gonzalez Camacho was also known as “Red Wolf.”
Over the course of several months in 2013, she praised the First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Groups (Spanish: Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre,GRAPO), which is terrorist cell of Spain’s Communist Party of Spain (PCE-r), which seeks to establish a Spanish republic modeled on the model of the People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong. The background used on her account during 2013 featured the GRAPOanagram, as well as a photo montage of 44 imprisoned terrorists. Among them were: Manuel Pérez Martínez, alias ‘Comrade Arenas’; Marcos Martín Ponce, and Enrique Cuadra Echeandía.
According to the prosecutor in the case, she cheered on violent terrorism. For example, she wrote some 20 messages calling for a return of GRAPO. “Bring back GRAPO…we urgently need a purge of right-wingers,” was among Gonzalez Camacho’s messages. “I promise to get myself tattooed with the face of anyone who can put a bullet in the neck of (Spanish premier) Rajoy and (Spanish Economy Minister, Luis de Guindos) De Guindos,” and “The heights to which Carrero flew is nothing in comparison to how Rajoy will end up when the revolution explodes,” were among her other screeds. Duke Luis Carrero Blanco was a Spanish admiral who was murdered by Basque terrorists in a bomb explosion in 1973. One of the terrorists responsible was later killed in a similar bomb attack in France.
González Camacho also demanded the release of Arnaldo Otegi, the former spokesman of the outlawed Basque terrorist organization known as Batasuna. She tweeted, “Euskadi Ta Askatasuna! (Basque Homeland and Freedom!), while demanding that that King Juan Carlos and government ministers should face the guillotine. As for Batasuna, the Twitter terrorist wrote, “Since you have dropped your weapons, you can give them to us: we need them.”
Martin Barillas is the editor of Spero News. He is a former US diplomat, who also worked as a democracy advocate and election observer in Latin America. He is also a freelance translator.