On October 28th, 2014, Foreign Policy News conducted an interview with Mr. Uran Krasniqi, Kosovo’s renowned journalist and International Relations expert
– How is the current situation in Kosovo today?
Today, the political situation in Kosovo is in a very bad shape even though the general elections are held in June 2014, we are now in October and we still don’t have a parliament or a new government.
This situation has brought irresponsible political parties into power, which has secured participation in the National Parliament and unfortunately is unable to form a new government. The Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK), led by the current Prime Minister of Kosovo has won the majority of votes, but it is also losing confidence towards creating a coalition for the new government. On the other hand the opposition parties: Democratic League of Kosovo and the Movement of Auto Determination are paying dearly for not being able to secure a landslide victory and consequently pressure the DPK to be a party in opposition. The most expensive consequences are being suffered by the people of Kosovo, who are not represented properly and are unable to raise the issues that affect them in everyday life. The current embargo is expected to be reflected on Kosovo’s future, in the political and economic contexts as well as in other aspects pertaining to its aspiration for EU integration.
– What are the possible solutions in order to overcome this political crisis?
I foresee four solutions, from which two I do not wish to happen. The first solution would be the achievement of an agreement among all political parties to approve the creation of a two-year term government. Another solution I think it would be to have a government of experts with a term of only two years. These options would ensure the implementation of many projects that are not fulfilled, just like the Electoral Reform, Security Forces of Kosovo and the Court of War Crimes.
I have advocated the option to hold special elections immediately after the June elections when the political alliances were established and were willing to accept the conditions of one another, four months ago the situation was more peaceful, at that time there were higher chances to reach an agreement, but today we have a deeper rivalry that is escalating, this option will be very negative for Kosovo, and will cause a confrontation among citizens. Indeed, we are very much concerned with the high level of poverty and unemployment.
But the option that is more viable and supported by the International Community is to have the Democratic Party of Kosovo and Democratic League of Kosovo (DLK) to create a coalition and run the government again. I do not recommend this solution as we have seen after the independence what they are and they have not done anything significant for the country and nothing positive has happened to their citizens.
– How is the maturity of the Constitutional institutions in Kosovo?
Constitutional Court of Kosovo has analyzed all those cases for which the President has demanded an answer, in regards to the creation of a new government, the DPK and in relation to the role of the Speaker of Parliament. In regards to their solution to create a new government there has been a general agreement from all political parties, but this has not happened in regards to solving the situation on who will exercise the role of the Speaker of Parliament.
Just like any other citizen I commend the Constitutional Court, but its Chairman, Enver Hasani, a person with a behavior of a subservient and ill – educated, even if his opinions were correct this still would not sound fair. Also there have been complaints for the members of the Court who have had close affiliations with various political parties.
– How is the situation with Freedom of Expression?
Citizens are free to express their opinions. But they are underprivileged in regards to selecting their representatives in government offices. To be present with an opinion in the public media of Kosovo, you must have knowledge on the past and present, you must do many favors to journalists who organize these programs, and even any other ways that I don’t know and later they invite you as an opinion making expert or political expert. I do not like this unfair practice that they have installed, because in debates you have usually those people who do not know all information and have no courage while many others who have valuable thoughts for the society remain outside. At the newspaper where I work I have a weekly column that I keep to take an interview with leaders of civil society and other leaders who I do not know very well but I value them as people with integrity and for what they represent.
– What is the impact of the soccer match between Albania and Serbia in the relations among the two nations?
It was a mere football match. October 14th in Belgrade almost turned out to be a tragedy for Albanians. In the stadium there was a climate of abomination for Albanians: calling in a coir “kill Albanians” with political slogans like “Kosovo is Serbia” with posters Vojslav Sheshel who has been accused for crimes against humanity from the International Court of the Hague. The match was interrupted right after a banner with Albanian national symbols entered in the soccer field and it is still not known who commanded this drone with the banner. There the players of Albanian team were in constant threat for their lives because many Serbian fans and extremists entered in the soccer field and begun using physical violence against the guest players. What is more surprising is the decision taken by UEFA which did not apologize to the Albanian team for what happened in an event organized by the leadership of the former in the Serbian soil and for giving the victory to Serbia on the table.
The Football match of Albania and Serbia has demonstrated that Serbians have not changed in their relations with Albanians and are only waiting for an historical moment to begin again and conduct massive crimes against Albanians.