By Peter Tase
In continuation of his academic visit to the Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University, invited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Driaunysa, Dean of this institution; On September 6th (2017) Chancellor, Academician Prof. Dr. Jusufranic, while leading the delegation from International University Travnik delivered a lecture for the students and academic staff of Kaunas Faculty, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
The topic of his lecture was “Capital in the twenty first century – Development antecedents and forecasting”. IUT chancellor was introduced by Associate Dean, Prof. Dr. Jadvyga Krūminienė, and subsecuently Chancellor Ibrahim Jusufranić delivered the aforementioned lecture focusing on the question of distribution of wealth in the modern world presented through research, analysis, vision and suggestions by the most esteemed global economic expert – Thomas Piketty, with the presentation of theories and ideas of Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, Arthur Young, David Ricardo and Karl Marx, as eminent thinkers and distinguished economists of their time who were also focused on the challenges of wealth distribution.
In the main hall of the Faculty, the participation was at the maximum levels, Chancellor Jusufranic’s topic was introduced in English Language, followed by a Q/A session with local faculty and staff.
In this opportunity the International University Travnik was presented in a successful manner, while contributing to a clear, cogent and lucid clarification of today’s pressing global matters.
Academician, Chancellor Ibrahim Jusufranić had become an academic ambassador of IUT, the Middle Bosnia Canton and the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while showing a positive academic guidance provied by the IUT Senate that has also been fulfilled by the side of our professors and lecturers in many universities throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas.
Source: Public Relations Office; International University Travnik; Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina