In 1906, in response to the British Administration in the Transvaal, South Africa passing the Asiatic Law Amendment Act designed to enforce registration of the colony’s male Asian population, Mohandas K. Gandhi led a group of fellow satyagrahis (nonviolent activists) to defy the just-introduced ‘pass law’: they publicly burned their passes. In the seven year campaign that followed, thousands of Indians were jailed (including Gandhi himself) and activists were flogged or even shot for striking, refusing to register, burning their registration cards, or engaging in other forms of nonviolent resistance. Nevertheless, the campaign was eventually won.
More than 100 years later, citizens the world over (not just in one country or region) are already being required, or will be shortly, to carry a ‘pass’, this one ostensibly signifying vaccine status but, beyond this, to be used as part of a sequence of measures designed to track movements and control behaviours. Given its role in the package of measures launched as part of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’, including those critical to implementation of the fourth industrial revolution along with the associated measures in relation to transhumanism, cyber polygon and eugenics, the ‘vaccine passport’ threatens an intrusion into the lives of citizens vastly more heinous than the passes the Transvaal government intended and to which Gandhi objected so strenuously.
Hence, national societies and the international community currently lurch rapidly towards a world in which individual identity, freedom, rights, privacy and even volition are destroyed as the Global Elite implements its long-standing plan to create a New World Order in which the very meaning of the word ‘human’ is under threat. Moreover, we have been promised that, by 2030, we will own nothing and we will be happy about it! See ‘You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’.
So why isn’t everyone vigorously resisting the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ and its related measures?
What is Happening?
Misunderstanding what is happening around the world at the moment is understandable. Misrepresenting what is happening through misunderstanding it is also understandable.
However, it certainly makes it difficult to get the truth out there when blatant and persistent lying is being used by relevant international organizations (notably including the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the World Health Organization), national governments, the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and the corporate media to terrorize people into believing that a ‘virus’ that has never been isolated and proven to exist – see ‘COVID-19: The virus does not exist – it is confirmed!’, ‘Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)’ and ‘No Record Found: FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (137 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever’ – is killing substantial numbers of people and that we need several experimental gene-altering injections (that are, in fact, killing substantial numbers of people), for the rest to survive! See, for example, ‘The Truth about the Covid-19 Vaccine’, ‘A Final Warning to Humanity’, ‘COVID Shots to “Decimate World Population,” Warns Dr. Bhakdi’, ‘Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is “Murder”’ and ‘Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning’.
As Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945 noted: ‘If you tell a lie, tell a big one.’
Of course, on the surface it may appear that it is simply ignorance of the evidence and relevant data that has most people unaware of what is really happening. But this is only true in the most superficial sense.
After all, given the monumental nature of what has taken place over the past two years – with virtually everyone’s life profoundly upended, ostensibly because this was necessary to combat a ‘virus’ – claiming that people submitted to government direction out of ignorance and/or trust in the relevant authorities is to miss something fundamental.
People who are being deceived by the elite-driven narrative almost two years into this crisis are, in fact, terrified. This terror is invariably unconscious: that is, it is suppressed below conscious awareness. But it is the true explanation of why a narrative that is so fundamentally flawed, with extensive evidence available to those who seek it, continues to maintain its dominance over the truth.
So why are so many people so terrified of investigating what is really happening, and responding accordingly?
The Dysfunctional Psychology of Victims
Because each human being is unique, the individual is born with a powerful evolutionary gift: Self-will. This means that the individual has an incredible range of tools, including the capacity to apply sensory perception (sight, sound, touch…) to observe what is happening, the emotional capacity to feel what this means (is it satisfying, enjoyable, frightening, infuriating…), to consider evidence and think for themself about the significance of it, to compare and contrast it with relevant memories, to gauge it against one’s conscience and so on until an integrated sense of how to behave in response is formulated and then acted on.
If a person is doing this then we might describe them as ‘Self-aware’. And they are, truly, an individual.
However, in the name of ‘socialization’, parents terrorize children into obedient submission to those people identified as ‘authorities’ and this ranges from the parents themselves as well as teachers and religious figures in the child’s life to those institutions that will later play vital, if largely invisible, roles in profoundly shaping the adult life of every individual: international organizations, governments and corporations (including corporate medicine and the corporate media), as well as legal systems, all of which are controlled by the global elite.
As just one outcome of this terrorization – which I have elsewhere labeled, with comprehensive explanations, ‘visible’, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence: see ‘Why Violence?’ – the individual who can genuinely think and investigate for themselves, critique society in any meaningful way, engage emotionally with the ramifications of what they learn, and then act to resist injustice courageously and strategically is all too rare.
In fact, because of the experience of childhood terrorization, virtually all children are compelled to surrender the essence of these various capacities, and hence their Self-will, by a very young age. In these circumstances, the child becomes a malleable instrument, easily transformed into a victim who is now devoid of the capacity to look deeply within themselves to make sound judgments about what is taking place and to behave powerfully in response.
Instead, they simply obey the will of another: parent, teacher, religious figure, employer, corporate executive, political leader…. and act more out of habit than consideration. Given the endless violence (usually labeled ‘punishment’) that is inflicted to ensure that children are obedient to others, rather than allowed to follow their own self-will, it takes an extraordinary child to survive with even a semblance of the potential with which they were born. As a result, most human behavior lacks consideration, conviction, courage and strategy, and is simply driven compulsively by the predominant fear in each context.
For elaboration of this explanation, see ‘The Disintegrated Mind: The Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth’, ‘The Psychology of Victimhood: Obama, Cameron, Netanyahu, Clinton, Kissinger’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.
A primary outcome of this childhood terrorization experience in materialist cultures is that the child learns to suppress their awareness of how they feel by using food and material items to distract themself. By doing this, the child rapidly loses their emerging self-awareness and learns to consume as the substitute for this awareness. Clearly, this has catastrophic consequences for the child, their society and for nature (although it is immensely profitable for elites and their agents whose Self-awareness is non-existent). For a fuller explanation, see ‘Love Denied: The Psychology of Materialism, Violence and War’.
In essence, a victim is utterly terrified and powerless. These feelings are unconscious to the victim, which is why they are incapable of intelligently seeking out and personally assessing evidence (such as that in relation to Covid-19 and how it is being used) and they simply submit without protest once told to obey.
An equally important outcome for the victim is that they have little, if any, capacity to see beyond themselves or their immediate concerns (which might include an activist preoccupation). They are incapable of perceiving and considering the wider ramifications of what is taking place – the ‘big picture’ – such as the impact on those millions of people who are experiencing mental health problems, sexual and/or other forms of violence, unemployment, poverty, homelessness, starvation or even being killed outright by official responses to the non-existent pandemic. Any sense of a ‘wider self’, of human solidarity beyond the most superficial kind, is incomprehensible to them.
Moreover, among those who can penetrate the elite-driven delusion in relation to the injectables, the most significant effort is dissipated in petitioning and lobbying governments as well as protesting against governments, as the elite intends. Of course, governments, elected or otherwise, are simply the tools the elite uses to control the various national populations (either by deluding most people into believing that they live in a ‘democracy’ or simply by subjecting them to dictatorship) so effort directed at governments is the equivalent of treating the puppet as the puppetmaster: virtually always, a complete waste of time, as the historical record demonstrates. See ‘Killing Democracy Once and for All: The Global Elite’s Coup d’état That Is Destroying Life as We Know It’.
Of course, it is this terrified submission to authority that the elite is relying on to compel the bulk of the human population to submit to the ‘death needle’, given its crucial role in implementing their depopulation agenda. See ‘Killing Off Humanity: How the Global Elite is using Eugenics and Transhumanism to Shape Our Future’.
However, for those left alive, the intention is to use their submission to turn them into transhuman slaves who are even more readily monitored and controlled. See ‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’.
Hence, as the global elite progressively implements its agenda to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population and turn the bulk of those left alive into transhuman slaves, it can rely on those who are submissively obedient to act as its agents against those who are not. And this is crucial for its agenda to be achieved.
Simply because, in the end, it is not just the technological measures at its disposal now or in the future that will enable the comprehensive surveillance and behavioural control they desire to be achieved. It is because the Global Elite can rely on those too terrified to critique what is happening, and to act powerfully in response, to monitor and try to control the behaviour of those around them. Whether by requiring businesses to have us wear masks, register QR codes, prove vaccine status, pay with plastic cards and not cash, and so on, governments are effectively using certain sections of the population to control the others. And, often, unwillingness to do so is neutralized by threat of financial penalty or imprisonment for non-compliance.
Even more deeply, governments are requiring members of families to discriminate against each other on the basis of vaccine status.
And this is how it has always been. Just ask the Nazis in Germany in World War II whose relative lack of technological means was no impediment to social control. Managing how people’s fear is projected is always the key, just as elite propaganda is used to project people’s fear to support deployment of the US/NATO war machine against an endless sequence of ‘enemies’.
Jews, ‘Gooks’, Muslims, a virus, unvaccinated… it doesn’t really matter what. Just identify where the fear is to be projected and use propaganda to focus it. There are plenty of unconsciously terrified people out there who won’t challenge the narrative.
Unfortunately, then, those around us, ranging from family members and friends to our employers and the businesses we visit, become the gatekeepers, effectively deciding who can visit whom, and who can or can’t go about their daily routine. Aldous Huxley and George Orwell would be impressed with how easily their dystopian visions have been realized.
And this will jump a giant notch upwards with the introduction of ‘vaccine passports’, far more intrusive and controlling than the ‘passes’ that Gandhi found so objectionable more than a century ago. Hence, ever more draconian measures by governments will ensure greater levels of submission by those who are terrified: The gatekeepers of hell.
So what can we do?
Fortunately, among those who are more courageous, there is considerable resistance already. However, we need to expand this and also get it onto a more strategic footing so that it functionally undermines the power of the Global Elite to conduct this coup. And don’t assume that the Global Elite will back off. It is criminally insane. See ‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’.
So, once again, our liberation strategy must thwart those key measures of their coup that would give them the control they want. This will not be easy because we must mobilize millions to act strategically. Mass mobilizations, like most of those that have been conducted so far, can have no impact against the Global Elite unless they are used to identify and inspire strategically-focused acts of nonviolent resistance that are ongoing.
For an integrated strategy to defeat the elite coup, see the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ campaign, which has 29 strategic goals for defeating the coup including meaningful engagement with police, military forces and mercenaries to assist them to understand and resist, rather than support, the elite agenda. If you want to read more detail, you can do so at Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy.
But for a simpler presentation, see the ‘We Are Human, We Are Free’ 7 Days Campaign to Resist The Great Reset. One-page flyers in English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian and Spanish, outlining essential nonviolent actions that we must undertake, can be downloaded from this link. Other languages are being added as they become available.
The Telegram group is here.
In addition, it will be invaluable if you make yourself increasingly self-reliant as the mechanisms that you have been seduced into becoming dependent upon are progressively and rapidly being taken away. See ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’.
And if you have the chance to ‘talk’ to someone about what they think is going on, try listening! See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’.
We have a choice. We can choose to resist, strategically, now, while we can still make choices.
Or we can watch as homo sapiens continues to be decimated and those left alive lose those very qualities that define humanity.
There is no third option.
Gandhi and his fellow activists resisted passes far less intrusive more than a century ago. Are you going to resist these now?