Do Biden and Netanyahu need a new war?

Netanyahu’s return to power in coalition with several ultra-right and ultra-Orthodox parties would be a missile in the waterline of the Oslo Accords as he intends to continue with the systematic campaign of illegal settlements, whose penultimate episode would be the announcement of the creation of the new settlements of Asif and Matar with the confessed aim of “doubling the population of the Golan Heights” as well as a serious threat to the sui generis Israeli democracy by attempting to liquidate the current separation of powers.
Given the political, social and security instability in which the country finds itself, Netanyahu (using the invisible dictatorship of the fear of the Third Holocaust, whether it comes from Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran), will seize the opportunity to unleash a surprise attack against Iran in the hope that the spark will spread throughout the explosive barrel of the Middle East.
Israel considers Iran the greatest exporter of terror and violation of rights in the world, while denouncing that Iran continues to enrich uranium and is dangerously close to obtaining a nuclear bomb and also, Netanyahu urgently needs the fog of oblivion to cover with its mantle the judicial process in which he is accused of bribery, fraud and breach of trust and that according to his words would only be a “judicial coup d’état to remove him from power”.
Consequently, Israel is already moving its Mossad pieces to destabilize the regime of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, by means of media and selective attacks, while it has sealed alliances with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to form an entente against Iran. Thus, according to a report by the Veterans Today portal, “Israel is moving air defense weapons, long-range artillery, helicopters and F-15 fighter planes to Erbil, capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, for a wider war against Iran” (Operation Persia), which would be Joe Biden’s secret trump card to increase his popularity in the run-up to the 2024 presidential elections.
Thus, the signs of Biden’s senility, the Afghanistan fiasco, runaway inflation and the possible entry into recession of the economy next year, would have sunk the popularity of the Democratic president to 30%, which could facilitate the triumphant return of Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential elections, but Biden would have an ace up his sleeve.
Thus, given that US strategic reserves are at a maximum and the Chinese colossus represents a growing challenge to US economic-military hegemony, and after the failure of the CIA-directed color revolution against the Iranian government known as the “Islamic veil revolt”, Biden will use an initial surprise attack by Israel on Iran to initiate a new war in the Middle East with the double objective of drying up China’s energy sources and increasing his popularity in the run-up to the 2024 presidential elections.
Is it time for Greater Israel?
The unequivocal objective of the US-Britain-Israel Trilateral would be to unleash a new conflict with Iran in order to proceed to redraw the cartography of the disjointed puzzle formed by the current countries of the Near and Middle East and thus achieve strategically advantageous borders for Israel, following the plan orchestrated 60 years ago jointly by the governments of Great Britain, the United States and Israel and which would have the backing of the main Western allies.
This plan aims to resurrect the endemism of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel), an entity that would attempt to unite the antithetical concepts of the atavism of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel), which would drink from the sources of Genesis 15:18, which states that “4,000 years ago, the title to all the land between the Nile River of Egypt and the Euphrates River was bequeathed to the Hebrew patriarch Abraham and subsequently transferred to his descendants”.
This would mean the restoration of the Balfour Declaration (1917), which outlined a State of Israel endowed with a vast area of nearly 46,000 square miles, stretching from the Mediterranean to the east of the Euphrates and encompassing Syria, Lebanon, north-eastern Iraq, northern Saudi Arabia, the Red Sea coastal strip, the Arabian Peninsula and the Arabian Peninsula. This would mean the restoration of the Balfour Declaration (1917), which outlined a State of Israel with a vast area of nearly 46,000 square miles, extending from the Mediterranean to the east of the Euphrates, encompassing Syria, Lebanon, north-eastern Iraq, northern Saudi Arabia, the Red Sea coastal strip and the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, as well as Jordan, which would be renamed Palestine-Jordan after being forced to take in the entire Palestinian population of the current West Bank and Gaza, forced into a massive diaspora (the new nakba).