US-Israel agreement to attack Iran?

The successive Jewish military offensives against Gaza and the West Bank have always been protected by the “spiral of silence” of the main world mass media controlled by the transnational Jewish lobby, a theory formulated by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in her book ” The spiral of silence. Public opinion: our social skin ”(1977). This thesis would symbolize “the cognitive overlap formula that establishes censorship through a deliberate and suffocating accumulation of messages of a single sign”, which would produce a spiral process or positive feedback loop and the consequent manipulation of opinion world public opinion by the transnational Jewish lobby (Israel’s right to defend itself).
However, the asymmetry of the punishment inflicted on the Palestinians in Gaza, with about 300 dead, hundreds of injured, as well as the destruction of basic infrastructure in Gaza, would have led to international condemnation of Netanyahu and Bibi’s fall from grace with AIPAC. after which the Coalition Government led by the centrist Yair Lapid and the right-wing Naftali Bennett (Rainbow Coalition) crystallized, which represented the political decline of the last Jewish emperor, Netanyahu after 12 years in power. Following the atavistic endemism of all Jewish governments, the current Bennett government continues with the systematic campaign of illegal settlements whose penultimate episode would be the announcement of the creation of the new colonies of Asif and Matar with the avowed objective of “doubling the population of the Golan Heights ”after receiving the blessings of both the Trump and Biden administrations and would have sealed alliances with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to form an entente against Iran, for which he will once again use the invisible dictatorship of fear of the Third Holocaust.
Iran, the black beast of Israel
In 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski declared in a speech: “An arc of crisis stretches along the shores of the Indian Ocean, with fragile social and political structures in a region of vital importance to us that threatens to fragment and Turkey and Iran , the two most powerful states of the southern flank are potentially vulnerable to internal ethnic conflicts and if one of the two were destabilized, the region’s problems would become uncontrollable “, an outline of a theory that he finished drawing in his book” The great world board. American supremacy and its geostrategic imperatives ”(1997), considered the geostrategic Bible of the White House as well as the bedside book of successive generations of geostrategists and political scientists.
Iran acquired a dimension of regional power thanks to the erratic policy of the United States in Iraq, (fruit of the political myopia of the Busch Administration obsessed with the Axis of Evil) when eliminating its ideological rivals, the radical Sunni Taliban and Saddam Hussein with the subsequent power vacuum in the area, for which he reaffirmed his inalienable right to nuclearization, but after the election of Hasan Rowhani as the new elected President of Iran, a new scenario opened and an opportunity for the resolution of the US-Israel nuclear dispute – Iran, therefore, a possible blockade of the Strait of Hormuz (through which a third of the world’s energy traffic passes) could aggravate the global economic recession and profoundly weaken the entire international political system, forcing the US to reconsider the role of Iran as a power regional and possible referee in the Syrian contest.
However, following the approval by the US Congress and Senate of a statement prepared by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat Robert Menéndez who emphatically stated that “if Israel is forced to defend itself and take action (against Iran), The US will be by his side to support him militarily and diplomatically ”, we would be witnessing the increase in pressure from the pro-Israel US lobby (AIPAC) to proceed to destabilize Iran by expeditious methods. Thus, the US Senate unanimously renewed the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) until 2026 and after the launch of a new ballistic missile by Iran, Trump increased sanctions against several Iranian companies related to ballistic missiles without violating the Nuclear Agreement signed between the G + 5 and Iran in 2015, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an agreement that the Trump Administration abandoned.
Said abandonment had as a collateral effect the strangulation of Iranian crude exports and its entry into the orbit of influence of China, as well as an increase in its uranium enrichment to 60%, which is why Israel would have moved its MOSAD pieces to through media attacks. and selective destabilizing the regime of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, at the same time that he would have sealed alliances with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to form an entente against Iran, since Bennett considers Iran “the largest exporter of terror and violation of Rights in the world in the world while it continues to enrich uranium and is dangerously close to obtaining a nuclear bomb. ”Thus, according to a report on the Veterans Today portal,“ Israel would be moving air defense weapons, long-range artillery, helicopters and combat aircraft F-15 to Erbil, capital of Iraqi Kurdistan for a wider war against Iran ”(Operation Persia).
Biden and the midterm elections of 2022
The sui generis American democracy The United States would have as a pillar of its political system the successive alternation in power of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party (both engulfed by the Jewish lobby), with Joe Biden being the new AIPAC cover. Thus, the surprise victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton represented for Israel “losing a valuable friend to win a better friend”, Donald Trump, who established the disjointed puzzle of chaos that ended with the victory of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who in 2007 stated: “I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.”
Given that US strategic reserves are at peak and the US shale industry in bankruptcy coupled with the growing challenge to US hegemony posed by the Chinese colossus, it could force Joe Biden to use an initial surprise attack by Israel on Iran. to start a new war in the Middle East with the double objective of drying up China’s energy sources and diluting the stigma of division in North American society because of the wear and tear suffered by Biden after the Afghanistan fiasco, the worsening of the health pandemic and The possible entry into recession of the economy next year could lead to the Republican victory in the midterm elections of 2022 that would anticipate a triumphant return of Trump in the Presidential elections of 2024 and of what the recent Republican victory in the State of Virginia would be a paradigm.
Thus, after the fiascos in Syria, Libya and Iraq, Iran would be the new bait of the Anglo-Jewish plan of the Machiavellian Plan outlined by the Anglo-Jewish Alliance in 1960 to attract both Russia and China and provoke a great regional conflict that will mark the future of the area in the coming years and that it would be a new local episode that would be framed in the return to the recurrent endemism of the US-Russia Cold War. Said conflict could involve the three superpowers (USA, China and Russia), counting as necessary collaborators the regional powers (Israel, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iran), covering the geographical space that extends from the Mediterranean arc ( Libya, Syria and Lebanon) to Yemen and Somalia, having Iraq as the epicenter and recalling the Vietnam War with Lindon B. Johnson (1963-1969)