Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications has finished the analysis of Rail Baltic route alternatives and based on the results county governors can make their decisions concerning the favored route in Estonia.
The initial route of the high speed railway is 211.4 kilometers long and it will cost 1.1 billion euros, of which 650 million euros would come from European Union support and 500 million euros from Estonia, project manager for Rail Baltic in Estonia Miiko Peris said at a press conference.
Consultants of Hendrikson&Ko and Reaalprojekt that carried out the analysis assessed additional route alternatives in the northern part of the Rapla County as well as the Harju Country proposed by county governors. Important assessment criteria were the impact of the routes on human and natural environment, their technical feasibility, construction costs and social economic benefit, spokespeople for the ministry said.
According to representative of the consultant Pille Metspalu none of the route options is problem-free. «We are suggesting to county governments a route that on one hand enables fast railway connection and on the other impacts human and natural environment the least,» she added.
Between Oct. 27 and 29 public discussions based on the analysis will take place in local governments in the course of which results of the analysis will be introduced to local residents, entrepreneurs and all other people who are interested.
County governors will make their decision concerning the favored route and will present it to the government which will discuss the issue most likely in the second half of November.
Source: Postimees