The Young Turks Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz, and RJ Eskow discuss why Americans need to care about the Canadian election. Mankiewicz explains that the impact of the emerging New Democrat Party (NDP), “Could throw a not insignificant wrench into U.S.-Canadian relations.” Liberals in Canada and New Democrat Party could be building a coalition to defeat the Conservatives.
This could especially affect the U.S. because the NDP opposes the Keystone pipeline and TPP, “This would be an aggressive, involved government in Canadian life if the NDP wins,” Iadarola says. In the U.S. there is not much opposition to TPP, “If other countries start to bail, that could be one way it could fall apart,” Iadarola adds, bringing up another reason why the Canadian election is important. According to Uygur, “Canada is what America could be, if we had cleaner elections.”
Watch the full commentary below:
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